The disk space feature displays the full volume of data that you're able to have on the web hosting server at any given time. With a home PC, for example, this is the total size of your hard disk or the total size of all hard drives in case that the computer has more than one. The same way that the space on a PC is divided between installed computer software, docs, music etcetera, the server storage space is divided between website files, databases and e-mail messages. Every file, folder and email requires some disk space on the server, so you should take into consideration a variety of factors, not just the size of the files that you will upload. For example, getting larger email attachments or using a script-driven website in which the user-generated information is kept in a database will also affect the space you're using.

Disk Space in Web Hosting

In order to match the processing performance behind all of our cloud web hosting packages, we've studied and employed the perfect option about the disk space - your account is not made using one server, but on a cluster platform. Therefore, what we've built is a large cluster of servers that is centered on the file storing only, hence you should never concern yourself with running out of hard drive space and having to migrate to some additional server as your current one simply cannot accommodate more content. Whenever more space is necessary, we just attach more machines to the cluster, so the hard disk space is unlimited. Still, all of our Linux web hosting packages are meant to be used for sites, not for a collection of large files. We also have distinct machines for all of the databases as well as the e-mails.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Considering that our semi-dedicated server packages are extremely powerful, we've decided not to restrict the disk space feature when we have designed them. Our idea is that if you use a powerful plan, it's very likely that you've got a lot of website content, for this reason each semi-dedicated server package includes unrestricted hard disk capacity, which will help you focus on enhancing your websites without worrying if you will fit within some allowance. Your web hosting account will be set up on a cloud website hosting system in which the files, databases and emails use their own clusters of servers, hence not only will the machines operate much better for the reason that only one type of system processes will run on them, but also you will not ever have to worry for the hdd space since we are able to add as many servers or hard disks to each cluster as needed.

Disk Space in Dedicated Hosting

Our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages have a number of hard disks so as to match the processing power that you will get, so that you'll never have to be concerned for running out of hdd space. The hard drives can be employed in RAID, i.e. a drive can be a mirror of another so as to guarantee that all your information will always be protected, alternatively you can use it independently for even bigger complete storage capability. Hundreds of gigabytes of disk storage space will be available all of the time, so you'll be able to run enormous web sites, upload big files or even keep a copy of your archive. Since a dedicated server is the most powerful kind of website hosting, you can upload/download files with very quick speeds. When necessary, we also provide you with the option to include more hard disks and utilize even further storage space for your content. We provide 3 hosting Control Panels with the dedicated servers - using Hepsia, all of your domains will share the total server space and they will be operated in one place, whereas with DirectAdmin and cPanel you'll have the possibility to set up individual website hosting accounts with certain disk space allocations for each domain name hosted on the server.