If you host multiple sites inside the exact same account and one of them is hacked, it is likely that all of them will be hacked after that. There're several reasons why this could happen, the two most common are: using very weak passwords or using outdated scripts with widely known weaknesses. In this way, one single compromised website will do lots of damage to all of your Internet sites, since getting access to one script generally allows hackers to access the web hosting account. This is the reason why we've introduced an outstanding security option known as JailHost. Once activated, this option will literally lock an Internet site within its folder, so if an attacker takes over it, all the other sites in the account will be hidden. Thus they will be resistant to further intrusion. The JailHost option doesn't suggest that you should not keep your Internet sites updated, but it'll significantly minimize the damage.

JailHost in Web Hosting

JailHost is available by default with all the web hosting packages that we offer and you can activate it with just a single click from your Hepsia Control Panel. Unlike other Control Panels where add-on domains keep their content in the main domain folder, every single domain or subdomain in Hepsia has its very own folder, which means that using JailHost can make a significant difference. You will be able to choose which sites will use this option and will be locked based on your content as you could have some Internet site where you'd like to allow users or administrators to be able to access other folders inside your hosting account. Nonetheless, the option will add a further level of security to your Internet sites in addition to the firewalls which we use and even if any of your websites gets hacked, you'll be able to restore it easy and fast using any of the multiple daily backup copies of your entire account that we'll generate.

JailHost in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you have a semi-dedicated hosting account, you'll be able to start JailHost with a couple of clicks in your Hepsia Control Panel as we have included this feature in all semi-dedicated packages. It is not active by default simply because you might use an app that needs accessibility to other folders within the account and JailHost may cause problems, but you can easily protect all other Internet sites by separating them from one another. This is simple and easy as in Hepsia all domains and subdomains have separate folders. In contrast, a number of other Control Panels keep the content of multiple websites in subfolders under a main domain, so just a single hacked website there means that all of them will be hacked. With Hepsia, only one site could get damaged and even in such a circumstance, we will quickly restore it using the multiple daily backups that we will keep, which means that you can go ahead and update it after that to protect it from potential attacks.