PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Web Hosting
In case you get a web hosting package from us, you’ll never have to speculate as to whether or not your websites are compatible with the web hosting environment, as several PHP versions are enabled on our servers for your convenience’s sake. The Hepsia Control Panel will permit you to select PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 with just one single mouse click and if you’d like to change the current version, the update will take effect instantaneously. In this way, many years of work on websites built with an older version of PHP will not be lost. Our web hosting platform will even permit you to use a different PHP version for each domain hosted in your account, so you can use older and newer scripts simultaneously. Most web hosting companies on the market offer one, sometimes two versions of PHP. In contrast to them, we strongly maintain that you should be the one to select the version that your very own sites will be using.
PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you’ve got a website created in an older version of PHP and you’ve committed time and efforts toward setting it up, repairing security loopholes and inserting web content, you will need a hosting service that can support it, since most hosting companies nowadays offer support only for the most recently unveiled version of PHP and drop the previous ones. We, however, have decided to allow you to select the exact version that your own sites require. Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages support PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8, so you will be able to run both newer and older scripts without losing any custom tweaks or frittering away time striving to make your sites compatible with the web hosting environment. You can change the version through the Hepsia Control Panel and such a change will apply to the whole semi-dedicated server account, but you’ll also have the ability to pick a different PHP version for each site that you host in your account using an .htaccess file.